UMN MSBA Interview
application deadline: 2021/1/3
1/3送出application 1/6收到面試邀請 並預約面試 Wednesday, January 20, 2021at 7:00 AM Central Time
Video Essay 120秒準備120秒回答
題目:Diversity 的 define 和 meaning.~
台灣時間1/20晚上9點 面試時間30分鐘(Zoom)
- Before the interview, do you have any question
- A Data analytics project
- Why Carlson? Why MSBA?
- Tell me about your career goal, which company, in what industry
- Programming languages and your proficiency(SQL, Python)
- Two favorite courses in Carlson
- Professional strength and weakness
- An experience beyond other’s expectations. Why would you do that?
- Most constructive criticism, how you respond and what you learn
- Prefer to work alone or work in a team
- How do you handle conflicts in the team
- Other schools applied for?Which one will you choose if all admitted
- Q&A
UW MSBA Video Essay
application deadline: 2021/1/5
Kira 30秒準備60秒回答
- What specifically interests you about the MSBA program at Foster, and what are you most looking forward to in the curriculum?
- Tell me about a time when you were working with a group of people who had very different opinions. How did you manage this, and what did you learn?
- Tell me about something in your life that you’re practicing self-discipline with. Please provide some details about any initial results, and how you’ll bring these skills to the MSBA program.
- Describe a project you worked on that demonstrates your analytical and creative problem-solving skills.
- What else to share to the admission?
Columbia MSBA Video Interview
application deadline: 2021/2/15
2/13送出申請,2/16進到系統裡面看才發現要做Video Interview(小遲交)
一次3個題目 90秒準備 180秒回答
- Describe what you look for in a good teacher
- Can you tell us about a stressful situation? Why was it stressful? How did you manage your stress?
- What makes you unique?
UCI MSBA Interview
application deadline: 2021/1/15
1/15送出申請 2/12收到信”schedule your interview within the next 2 weeks.”
進到系統之後剩下很爛的時間 預約了 2/24 11:00 AM (PST)(台灣2/25 03:00)Zoom面試 (累爆QQQ)
建議可以準備一個small talk,不然很尷尬
1. Introduce yourself + why MSBA
2. Obstacles
3. A book you recently read
— 我說我最近沒有看書 跟他分享了一部台灣電影
4. Disagreement in a team/ conflict with classmates or colleagues
5. Time management during the week
6. Short term goal
— 面試官很熱情的介紹program,並把program的優點link到我的goal
— 中間我順勢提問5 quarters需不需要另外申請,面試官國際學生要在開學之前決定(VISA),但大部分的人會選擇5 quarters
7. Why school you apply? What will you consider when making a decision?
— 我告訴他我拿到一個offer了,他說會下個禮拜admission會開會,在三月中以前會出結果
- Is there any restriction to take MBA courses and use the career services
— 沒有限制,並強調這是他們商學院的優勢
- What is the role of ambassador and how to become one of them
— 面試官一個燦笑,說students can apply for ambassador in the fall semester. 可以拿到scholarship. 但是在一年內要給別人reach out.
- What is the class size of 2021? is it onsite or online?
— 125–134位,分成兩班上課。像machine learning這種課的class size會更小。今年有1000個申請者。加州的規定是fall可以in-person上課,summer可以hybrid, facilities will open
更新:3/5 收到錄取通知,3/29以前要決定並繳交deposit